Duarte Coimbra

Duarte Coimbra was born in 1996, in Lisbon, and has a degree in Film Directing from the Lisbon Theatre and Film School.

He has worked as script supervisor and assistant director on the films of Maria Inês Gonçalves, Frederico Mesquita, Pedro Ramalhete, Paolo Marinou-Blanco, Mónica Lima, João Martinho, Filipa Reis, João Miller Guerra, Gregor Valentovic and David Pinheiro Vicente. He also directed music videos for the musicians Luís Severo, Primeira Dama, Maria Reis and Catarina Branco.

“Amor, Avenidas Novas” (2018), produced within the school, was his first film as a director and premiered at Cannes Critics’ Week.

“O Filme Feliz :)” is his new short-film. He’s currently working on a short-film around the children’s TV program “Os Amigos de Gaspar” while also developing his debut feature project “Beijinhos Infinitos”.


O Filme Feliz :), 2023
Amor, Avenidas Novas (school film), 2018

updated on April 2023


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